Conleigh Byers, Gabriela Hug. (2022). “Long-run optimal pricing in electricity markets with non-convex costs.” European Journal of Operational Research. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2022.07.052
Conleigh Byers, Gabriela Hug. (2022). “Economic impacts of near-optimal solutions with non-convex pricing.” Electric Power Systems Research 211, 108287. Special issue for the 22nd Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108287
Conleigh Byers, Audun Botterud (2020). “Additional capacity value from synergy of variable renewable energy and energy storage.” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11(2), 1106-1109. doi:10.1109/TSTE.2019.2940421
Conleigh Byers, Todd Levin, Audun Botterud. (2018). “Capacity market design and renewable energy: Performance incentives, qualifying capacity, and demand curves.” The Electricity Journal 31(1), 65-74. doi:10.1016/j.tej.2018.01.006
Conleigh Byers, Gabriela Hug. (2022). “Flexibility compensation with increasing stochastic variable renewable energy in non-convex markets.” 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS). doi:10.1109/PMAPS53380.2022.9810627
Conleigh Byers, Gabriela Hug. (2020). “Modeling flow-based market coupling: Base case, redispatch, and unit commitment matter.” 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM). doi:10.1109/EEM49802.2020.9221922
Conleigh Byers, Brent Eldridge. (2022). “Auction designs to increase incentive compatibility and reduce self-scheduling in electricity markets.” arXiv:2212.10234